Wednesday, July 6, 2011

22 Things about Olive

Well, I haven't posted in a while. I guess more like 18 months, but instead of doing a huge catch up I thought I would just post 22 things about Olive, because she just turned 22 months old.

22. She loves candy. All day she is asking for "cany, cany" if you ever see a picture of her there is a good chance she will have chocolate all over her face.

21. She is very particular, I joke that she has OCD. All drawers have to be shut all the way, when she takes off her shoes she has to put the velcro back together nice and neat, her sippy cup has to go in the cupholder on the couch, her crayons have to be put neatly back in the cup, she has to be fully clothed all of the time (if she's not she will find something to wear and put it on), and she HAS to pick up everything that may or may not have fallen down, we are constantly hearing around the house "Oh no! Fall down!" The other day she walked about a block in the park to make Dad pick up a garbage can that had fallen over.

20. She loves to go outside. We call it the "o" word in our house. If the word is spoken she will hear it get her shoes and scream for twenty minutes, or until we take her out.

19. She makes anything into a horse. She will climb onto anything, mostly Maeby and try to ride it like a horse. Maeby is so patient and just lays there.

18. Since we went to San Diego she calls her sand box the "beach"

17. She is obsessed with letters "E" "S" and "Z" if we see a welcome mat she will stop and point out all the E's.

16. She knows all the characters in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Donna (Donald), Easy (Daisy), Foofy (Goofy), Plu (Pluto), Minnie, and Mickey.

15. If you ask what her name is she will say "Owuve Sattett"

14. She loves to climb. The other day I found her on top of her dresser looking at pictures.

13. Her favorite foods are candy, yogurt with granola, bananas, and fries.

12. She loves books, everyday she pulls out all of her books and carefully looks through them. She loves books with wolves (Maybe because I read "Twilight" while I was pregnant, I'm not sure)

11. She loves baby dolls, too. She strolls them around, wraps them in blankets and gives them bottles. I catch her in her room a lot feeding her babies and singing to them.

10. She loves Katy Perry. She sings along with "Firework" especially the part when she says "Oh, Oh, Oh"

9. She thinks the mouse on the computer is a phone. She puts it up to her ear and starts talking to Grandma.

8. Her favorite animals are Panda, Elephant, and Horsey.

7. Her favorite toy is her bouncy horse. I think she has found at least 40 different ways to get on and off the horse.

6. She loves to "shump" or jump. She is working really hard to jump straight off the ground instead of just off of furniture. We just put her in gymnastics and she loved it, she is always trying to practice her front and back flips.

5. She knows almost every body part and loves to point them out on Mom, Dad and Maeby. She can say all of them, too.

4. She is talking so much now and it is so nice. I think she is figuring out that it gets her what she needs/wants a lot quicker then crying. She even says full sentences. Yesterday she told me "Owuve tummy hurt." and "I need diaper." and the parade she didn't have a chair and she said "Where Owuve sit down?"

3. She is so loving she loves to give "Loves." She is always hugging and kissing. She is so caring and already has an amazing ability to empathize with others.

2. She loves to high five and give knuckles, and if your are in the room you better be ready to do it, too .

1. We love her so much. She is the most amazing little girl in the whole world. She is so smart and so sweet. She definitely does not lack in the personality department. Everyone that meets her instantly loves her. There is never a dull moment with our sassy little girl, but we wouldn't have it any other way.